Noosa Heads Sunshine Coast
Entertainment, News, Sunshine Coast November 9, 2021, Comments OffNoosa Heads is a coastal town in Queensland, Australia. It is situated about an hour’s drive north of Brisbane. It has the feel of a small seaside town, surrounded by beaches and surrounded by National Parks. In fact, Noosa Heads is one of Australia’s most beautiful coastal towns. Because of its unspoilt natural beauty, Noosa is known as the Australia’s Sunshine Coast.
Noosa Heads was originally established in 1879 by builders who wished to establish a seaside resort village outside Brisbane City. They named it after The Queen of Sheba, an ancient queen whom legend has it that Solomon gave milk and honey to when she visited him. It traded under the name Noosambie until 1901 when Queensland restarted progress on naming towns using surnames instead of place names (to avoid confusion with other businesses).
The history of Noosa. It was called Noosambie in its early years, named after the Queen of Sheba. Noosa became a tourist destination shortly after Andrew Fisher government opened Wave Rock Road in 1910 to tourists coming by train from nearby Doolandella. The town received more visitors during World War I when Casuarina Trestle Beach at Glass House Bay became part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and one-third of it closed for firing practice protection during 1916–17 due to threat posed by German submarines sinkings off Brisbane City coastline.
Tourism in Noosa. Since the 1950s, Noosa has attracted large numbers of tourists. The first recorded sitting of Parliament in Queensland was held at Noosambie on 22 December 1879. Sadly this function does not seem to have taken place again as there is no other mention after that date. A memorial for this historic event can be found at 2-20 Yeomany St, opened by the State Premier Len Thompson and family members on 25 February 1991 (JK) . Land around Waituhi Beach near Wandon was bought from local farmers to build a bathing reserve but it remained little more than an idea until 1971 when a private company was formed to establish and operate it. This gave birth to the Noosa Development Authority (NDA). The initial rising of green timber happened in 1972–73 by local residents who went from house to house, creating tee shape ‘H’ shaped lorries with each end open for passengers loading them up then driving back through very scenic Waituhi Mountain Road.’ These were known as parawans. In 1975 Rothmans World Tour Gold award winner Karrie Webb won her 400m freestyle at Glass House Bay which made headlines all over the world including Sports Illustrated.
Sunday Markets
Noosa in 2021. For floods and a level crossing closure, Noosa is on the flood plane, 10 km from downpour onset. The town’s map shows increased development in Grandham Street including new subdivisions around Crystal Spring Way to Verity Road but it does not cover the railway reserve at Southport with property ownership of this area yet unknown. A floodplain management zone covers 92% of land area, which mostly has active travel corridors across high ground blocks except for Warrill View Drive itself covered by parklands – native vegetation plantations have been excluded leaving clear paths through local mountain ranges avoiding tracks near them which were evident on the 2013-14 Gladstone flood map. The State Government created a 17km network of abandoned railways as “floodplain corridors” with some on reclaimed land, these do not include Gold Coast or Sunshine Coasts lines even if purchased by governments through sale/leaseback after privatisation so there are no access rights for people to walk along these tracks today meaning higher effective depth than above 4 metres deep unless they own private property at the base of mountain footings near them which may keep bushwalking legal…